I never thought I was bad with animals...really, I had tons of pets growing up! But...maybe we're just not fish people? We're renting and apartment so we're not technically allowed to have pets, so we decided a fish wouldn't really be breaking the rules, right?
We bought our first fish...Zues...at Petco. He lived about a week. That same week I was crazy sick. Now, looking back, maybe I had the Swine Flu. Really. Can fish get the Swine Flu? Cause I think I got him sick. We flushed him peacfully.
About 2 to 3 weeks later we bought Bonnie and Clyde, again at Petco. Clyde lived until morning...and Bonnie only until that afternoon. Not even 24 hours! Does this mean that we're horrible people? Are we not fit to care for even things as lowly as goldfish?
We bought our Betta named Bernard at Walmart. If he dies...we're buying a puppy. lol. It's the only rationalization we can think of!