Chris and Bri were married in 2008. They both graduated from BYU, Chris is Manufacturing Engineering and Bri in Theatre Education. Chris works as a Manufacturing Engineer at Merit Medical and is currently getting his Master's Degree from BYU. Bri is lucky enough to stay home and take care of Jayde and their new baby girl Harper, the best and hardest job in the world! They are so blessed.
The Fabulouse Four!

Learning and Growing Together
Monday, June 7, 2010
More Newborn Pictures
We were able to find a photographer for Jayde's newborn pictures through a friend. We went on a wednseday afternoon and spent about 3 hours trying to get some good pictures. Jayde didn't like laying on her tummy. And she was awake, unless we were cuddling her. Plus, the photographer loved having it be like 60 degrees in her studio, so Jayde was freezing! But after a little while, we figured out that if Chris layed underneath the black backdrop, and Jayde could lay on top of him, then she was ok! haha. Whatever works, right!? Either way, we got some really pretty pictures.

Jayde Ann Chipman
Ok, I'm finally doing it. Believe me...its been quite the hectic month. Oh my, Jayde is almost a month old! CRAZY! From recovering from a c-section to then having to have my gall bladder taken out, I really haven't had the energy to update the blog. But now I'm finally doing it! So, here's the birth story.
I started having contractions on Mother's Day May 9th, about 6:15AM and just kinda waited in bed for a couple hours, expecting them to go away. I was still a week away from my due date, so I was thinking they were just preliminary contractions that could last a week or so. They were about 8-10 min apart, lasting about 1 min each. So, about 8AM I decided to wake Chris and let him know what was going on, just so he wasn't totally surprised if I told him we needed to go to the hospital. Nothing too exciting happened for a few hours...the contractions stayed pretty consistent. I tried to sleep, ate some toast, but mostly just stayed in bed until about 4 o'clock when my Dad finally convinced me to just go into the hospital to get checked. If nothing else, they'd give me a morphine shot and I could get some sleep. (my dad is a gynocologist, so I trusted him)
So, we got to the hospital about 4:30. Chris brought all of our stuff, just in case, but I wasn't expecting to be staying at all. We went in and the nurse checked me and I was already dialated to 5 cm! So, we were going to be staying and having a baby! I was totally shocked, and then completely scared, not knowing what to expect. We immediately called my mom so she could be there for the birth. They hooked me up to the IV, which was not fun at all. The nurse apparently wasn't very good at it and stuck me twice, which hurt SO BAD, before she let the anestisiologist do it. And then they put my epidural in. I wasn't sure about getting it right away, but the nurse said that if I wanted it, might as well do it now before I progressed too far and they wouldn't be able to do it at all. So by about 5:30 I was all hooked up and waiting to progress further.
Ryan and Tara came to sit and wait with us for a while and Ryan helped Chris give me a blessing. The series of finale of The Amazing Race was on, so I of course had to watch that! Somehow I knew I'd be in labor for that finale, but I'm glad we didn't miss it! haha. Marissa and Taylor, as well as Chris's parents stopped by to keep us company. Chris's mom made these awesome chocolate covered pretzles and wrapped them up so we could hand them out to all our nurses and friends who came to help welcome our little girl. They were awesome!
The nurses kept coming in to check on me about every hour. The doctor broke my water at about 6:30 hoping to get me progressing a little faster, but that wasn't working too well. So at about 8 or so they started me on a little bit of pitocin. My mom got there at about 9:30 and we hadn't gotten too much further into labor. The pitocin was giving me too many contractions without being fully dialated so they eventually took me off of it. Finally, at about 2:00AM I was at a 10. Chris and my mom were both exausted, as was I, not having slept at all. We started pushing, but we had to stop after just a few because baby wasn't handling the pushing too well. Every time I would push her heartrate would drop, so we had to wait until it came back up. Then, after pushing a little while longer, my epidural wore off and I could feel all of my contractions again. NO FUN! So, we had to wait until the epidural kicked in again, after another dose. The anestisiologist had to give me atleast 3 more doses. It kept wearing off! So, after repeating that a couple times, the doctor came in and explained that the baby wasn't handling pushing too well. She also wasn't descending very much and my pelvic opening was rather small, making it a really tight fit for the baby. They decided the safest option would be to do a C-section. So they prepped me and Chris for the c-section at about 4:30. Chris got to come in and be with me, wearing an awesome jumpsuit and Jayde was born at 5:12AM on May 10!
Chris says that Jayde didn't cry when she came out, not until they were giving her a bath and stuff. Chris held her up for me to see and I gave her a kiss. They'd put some goopy stuff on her eyes to fight infection or something and I got some of that on my lips...didn't taste good.
lol. After that, Chris went off with her for her bath and everything while I got to stay on the table and get stitched up.

I went to sleep and woke up about an hour later when they were taking me to recovery. We got transfered down to Mother/baby at about 7AM and I finally got to meet Jayde! At that point we hadn't actually named her....Chris and I both thought her name would be Gwen up until we met her. Just looking at her, and my mom agreed, her name was Jayde! haha, so surprise to everyone we told her name was going to be Gwen! Its not! haha
Jayde Ann Chipman
May 10, 2010 5:12 AM
7 lbs 7.7oz 19.5 in
Lots of dark curly hair!

We stayed in the hospital for 3 days while I recovered from the c-section. I was continually amazed at how many things you use your stomach muscles for! Really, I had no idea! The nurses at the hospital were absolutely amazing. They were really helpful and nice and great with Jayde (I guess they have to be, it's their job). Also, the hospital had these awesome oreo shakes! SOOOOO good. Niki, Chris's sister, works for the room service in mother/baby so she got to deliver my food to me every day. It was really nice. ;) I loved being in the hospital, enough that I didn't want to come home! We had lots of visitors over those few days, and my mom, Tara, Hayden, Marissa and Taylor were there every day for atleast a little while to keep me company when chris went to work. We came home on thursday may 13th. My mom was still here and stayed with us until sunday.

Those first few days of having Jayde at home were....interesting. The first night Jayde slept really well...but I didn't sleep at all because I kept getting up to check and make sure she was breathing. We got out of the house the next day, went to the mall and walked around. We had to get some clothes that would fit Jayde, all the 0-3 month clothes were too big! And then that next saturday we went to her Uncle Ryan's soccer game! Less than a week old and she'd already gone to a soccer game. haha. 
I'm so grateful for my mom being able to help us out those first few days. And for Marissa and Tara coming to help out afterwards while I was still recovering. Chris is awesome with Jayde, its cool to see how naturally taking care of her comes to him. We absolutely love having Jayde and we can't wait to see her grow!
I started having contractions on Mother's Day May 9th, about 6:15AM and just kinda waited in bed for a couple hours, expecting them to go away. I was still a week away from my due date, so I was thinking they were just preliminary contractions that could last a week or so. They were about 8-10 min apart, lasting about 1 min each. So, about 8AM I decided to wake Chris and let him know what was going on, just so he wasn't totally surprised if I told him we needed to go to the hospital. Nothing too exciting happened for a few hours...the contractions stayed pretty consistent. I tried to sleep, ate some toast, but mostly just stayed in bed until about 4 o'clock when my Dad finally convinced me to just go into the hospital to get checked. If nothing else, they'd give me a morphine shot and I could get some sleep. (my dad is a gynocologist, so I trusted him)
The nurses kept coming in to check on me about every hour. The doctor broke my water at about 6:30 hoping to get me progressing a little faster, but that wasn't working too well. So at about 8 or so they started me on a little bit of pitocin. My mom got there at about 9:30 and we hadn't gotten too much further into labor. The pitocin was giving me too many contractions without being fully dialated so they eventually took me off of it. Finally, at about 2:00AM I was at a 10. Chris and my mom were both exausted, as was I, not having slept at all. We started pushing, but we had to stop after just a few because baby wasn't handling the pushing too well. Every time I would push her heartrate would drop, so we had to wait until it came back up. Then, after pushing a little while longer, my epidural wore off and I could feel all of my contractions again. NO FUN! So, we had to wait until the epidural kicked in again, after another dose. The anestisiologist had to give me atleast 3 more doses. It kept wearing off! So, after repeating that a couple times, the doctor came in and explained that the baby wasn't handling pushing too well. She also wasn't descending very much and my pelvic opening was rather small, making it a really tight fit for the baby. They decided the safest option would be to do a C-section. So they prepped me and Chris for the c-section at about 4:30. Chris got to come in and be with me, wearing an awesome jumpsuit and Jayde was born at 5:12AM on May 10!
Chris says that Jayde didn't cry when she came out, not until they were giving her a bath and stuff. Chris held her up for me to see and I gave her a kiss. They'd put some goopy stuff on her eyes to fight infection or something and I got some of that on my lips...didn't taste good.
I went to sleep and woke up about an hour later when they were taking me to recovery. We got transfered down to Mother/baby at about 7AM and I finally got to meet Jayde! At that point we hadn't actually named her....Chris and I both thought her name would be Gwen up until we met her. Just looking at her, and my mom agreed, her name was Jayde! haha, so surprise to everyone we told her name was going to be Gwen! Its not! haha
Jayde Ann Chipman
May 10, 2010 5:12 AM
7 lbs 7.7oz 19.5 in
Lots of dark curly hair!
We stayed in the hospital for 3 days while I recovered from the c-section. I was continually amazed at how many things you use your stomach muscles for! Really, I had no idea! The nurses at the hospital were absolutely amazing. They were really helpful and nice and great with Jayde (I guess they have to be, it's their job). Also, the hospital had these awesome oreo shakes! SOOOOO good. Niki, Chris's sister, works for the room service in mother/baby so she got to deliver my food to me every day. It was really nice. ;) I loved being in the hospital, enough that I didn't want to come home! We had lots of visitors over those few days, and my mom, Tara, Hayden, Marissa and Taylor were there every day for atleast a little while to keep me company when chris went to work. We came home on thursday may 13th. My mom was still here and stayed with us until sunday.
I'm so grateful for my mom being able to help us out those first few days. And for Marissa and Tara coming to help out afterwards while I was still recovering. Chris is awesome with Jayde, its cool to see how naturally taking care of her comes to him. We absolutely love having Jayde and we can't wait to see her grow!
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