After having a c-section, and then getting my gall bladder out only 3 weeks later, I had had quite the difficult summer. So, after Jayde's blessing, Jayde and I decided to go stay for the week with Grandma Judy and Papa Shan in St. George. We got to just relax and spend time with Grandma while Papa worked. My mom was nice enough to take Jayde when she woke up in the morning so I could sleep a little longer after being awake with her during the night. Jayde got some new clothes, of course, and a new mobile and binkies for 2 month olds! :) We loved getting spoiled a just taking a break from being in our little apartment for a while.

Chris came and stayed the weekend after and then we came home. It was hard being away from Chris for 5 days...for the whole time we'd been married and we hadn't ever spent a night apart. I don't think I like it very much. Haha, but it was nice to have my mom there with me all the time and be able to take a break when I needed one. Maybe Grandma would like to come live closer so we could do that more often?

Jayde absolutely LOVES the mobile and Papa Shan INSISTED that she needed. Haha. All we have to do when she's crying or fussy is lay her in her crib, crank the mobile and as soon as she hears the music she's happy. She'll lay there just kicking and smiling watching the animals go round and round. It's so cute! She's getting close to rolling over now...so we'll have to watch where we put her.
She's also starting to smile a ton more now so we got a little video of it. :) Sorry there's no sound.