The title is obviously indicative to the subject of this post. I'm not sure if it was just my terrible luck or if there was some kind of unseen force that I emanate that broke everything. Either way, it all broke at the same time. My ipod, my SD card for my camera, my Laptop and our car. Completely shot. Not good.
So, there was some obvious need for new things. Which is always good, right? Even if it's only because it's something you need and your old one stinks. stuff for us!

My mom was nice enough to buy me a new SD card just this past week, so my camera is up and running. Because of my lack of SD card for my camera and a laptop...I've not been able to update much on pictures of Jayde. We're still working on getting them off of my laptop. We didn't get a new baby...but we will get some new pictures! Finally! Jayde is growing up so fast. Some NEW things that she's done are: giggle, roll over! and she's starting to be a lot more vocal! She smiles all the time now and just loves being with people. Such a social butterfly. This picture is of her with her Grandma Chipman. We absolutely love watching her develop and grow. She's just so darn cute! I'll be sure to do another post with more pictures and videos of Jayde.
Last week we bought a new car! Wooooo! Let me tell you a little about car shopping...not as fun as it would seem. If you spend over a certain amount of time at a dealership or thinking about a certain car you start getting pressured by the

car salesman. And then if you leave and decide to think about it, they call you asking what you decided. So much pressure! Way too much to think about. But we did finally decide on a Nissan Rogue. It's a smaller SUV and we love it. Really. We finally have a car that is reliable and we don't have to worry about fixing every couple months. And it's PREEEEETTTTY. :)

Along with a new car, we moved! Our old apartment wasn't broken, but we decided it was time for a change. We used to live in an apartment that was a little newer and had a teeny tiny living room...just wide enough to fit our couch. And now, we've moved to a bigger apartment with an open living room, dining room and kitchen and it's cheaper! We love our new place. And so far we love our new ward. New things are good for you...they make you feel like a new person.
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