So...apparently we're really not that entertaining. I haven't really had any good stories to write about. Which means our life is obviously not that interesting after all. But, just for the sake of up dating, here's some of our recent news.
Last week, I made mashed potatoes. My family uses canned milk instead of normal milk and I had a half used can of it in the fridge from the last time we'd made mashed potatoes. But...apparently it had been quite a while since we had actually made them. I started putting the milk in, multi-tasking and not really paying attention and then looked over to see a chunk of milk blocking the hole in the can. GROSS. lol. I had already put the milk in we ate them anyway. Haha, feeling a little nervous but hungry nonetheless. I felt fine all night, but apparently Chris didn't. He just chose not to say anything to me until the next day! When you have food, you gotta eat it right? lol
Our fish is still alive! So this proves that Walmart fish live longer than Petco fish, atleast when in the Chipman household.
We also bought flowers and have them in a pot on our front porch. We're domestic. lol. But those are still alive too, despite my usual neglect of watering them. I forget. What'll happen when I have baby? :S
Fun news-I, Bri, got cast in a musical! I will be playing the part of Sour Kangaroo in "Seussical the Musical." It's being done by the Sandy Arts Guild and performs in August. You guys will all have to come see it! I'm really excited to be able to do it this summer.
Chris is working and going to school. He got a promotion at work! :) Which means he gets to boss other people around (can you picture Chris being bossy?) and he gets a raise! So, we're excited about that!
congrats on getting cast in sussical! I can't wait to come see it, because it's one I've never seen. Sweet! <3 Camee