We've had a pretty exciting week! This past wednesday night we hung out with our neighbors the Cowleys. We absolutely love hanging out with them and their new baby boy, Kale. They were the reason we found out awesome apartment and we love being their neighbors. But last week we found out they're moving! They got this amazing gig as apartment managers and are basically getting paid to live in an apartment. We're totally bummed, but excited for their new change. We just don't know what we'll do if we get crazy new neighbors that worship satan or something. And our walls are paper thin, so any satanic rites and we'll defnitely be up close and personal for them. Good neighbors are so hard to find. :(
Thursday night we had an awesome time with Ryan, Tara and family and went to the Strawberry Days RODEO in Pleasant Grove. I lived in texas as a child, but I don't think we ever went to a rodeo! So this was the first one that I'd ever been to! We got there a little early before the events started and Hayden (our nephew) was so impatient to see the ho

rses! They finally started and did Bare Back riding (bucking horses), calf wrestling, steer wrestling, and of course, bull riding. There were two other events for the night that were just awesome! The second to last act was a dirt bike show! They had huge ramps and did crazy ticks about 150 feet in the air. Hayden was completely mesmorized the whole time. No motorcycle for him. Ever. And then the best event, for me, was the crazy cow milking! There were about 6 teams of men, and then 6 cows were released in the field. They went nuts, running, and trying to tackle to cow to be able to milk them. They had to get a certain amount of milk to win. It was hilarious.
This weekend we also got to drive down to St. George to stay with my mom and Shan. My older sister just got back from her mission this past friday, so we went down for her homecoming. It was really awesome getting to see her and the rest of my family for the weekend. It was the first time we'd been together in 18 months. It was also the first time Chris had ever met Vanessa! And Hayden is now walking and talking, where as when she left he was only 3 months old! Crazy how things change. We loved getting to be with her and the rest of our family.

We saw The Proposal! OH MY GOODNESS. So Funny! Honestly, go see it. I absolutely loved it. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies and this is probably going to be a classic.
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